Energy Sicknes

Have you been experiencing any of the following symptoms of energy sickness?


Mental fog

Poor concentration

Low mood


Muscle aches and pains



Digestive issues


Low motivation

Right now there are large energy shifts happening and the frequencies of MANY MANY people are raising by just being on Earth. When we raise our frequencies quickly we can get energy sickness, we just have more energy in our bodies than what we are used to.

The best way to cope when our frequencies are raised is to ground ourselves.

Some ways you can ground yourself are by walking barefoot on the grass or earth, putting your feet in a river and listening to grounding music or meditation.

Within the last week, there has been a HUGE energy jump and I can feel the vibration of the Earth increasing, and we as residents are along for the ride. Raising our vibration is a beautiful and wonderful thing, there are some growing pains like energy sickness, but there are many things we can do to make it a much more comfortable experience.

To learn more about grounding and the techniques that I like to use or that I have channelled please join me on April 13th for my masterclass about energetic protection and grounding. (so far I have accumulated 11 different grounding techniques!)

I teach grounding techniques in the Energetic Protection and Grounding Masterclass in the Unlock Your Inner Wisdom Masterclass Series.

I designed the Unlock Your Inner Wisdom Masterclass Series to cover what I would have wanted to be handed to me when I was getting curious and opening to my intuition.

What do I cover in all the classes?

In the first masterclass, I dive into the 4 clairs and how to foster their growth. There will be a variety of development techniques that I will share with you for each of the 4 main clairs.

In the second masterclass, I focus on grounding, and energic protection and include an Unlock Your Intuition visualization. I will cover a variety of grounding and energetic protection techniques and walk you through the visualization I channelled to unlock your intuition.

The third masterclass features my techniques for energetic cord cutting and setting and maintaining energetic boundaries. I will go through the steps that I feel are important when cutting cords, which include removing the roots and healing the wound. I talk about how I set up boundaries and how I maintain them when they are tested.

In the fourth masterclass, you will learn How to use a pendulum and oracle cards, setting intentions and discernment. I go over the practical ways I use pendulums and oracle cards in my daily life. I walk you through how to choose, connect and work with them. I show you how to set intentions before any spiritual practice and how to know what/who you are connecting to.

With all masterclasses, you will receive a recording of the event, PLUS supplemental material to help you with each topic. There will be a mixture of MP3s and PDFs.

Learn More And Get All The Masterclasses


Boundaries and Cord Cutting...What are they?


Energetic Protection...Grounding...What are they? Can they help me?