Intuition Development

Are you seeking to awaken your intuition but unsure of where to start? Or perhaps you're already on a journey of developing your intuition and want to take it to the next level? Look no further – this Intuition Development session is designed to guide you along your path of intuitive growth.

Intuition Development Sessions

In this personalized 45 or 60-minute session, I bring together the power of the Akashic Records, my intuition, your higher self, and your Spirit Team. By tapping into these profound sources of wisdom, we receive inspiration and ideas tailored specifically to your unique strengths and the areas of intuition you're ready to develop at this moment.

During the session, we'll explore various techniques and exercises that can enhance your intuitive abilities.

If needed or desired, energetic healings may be integrated into the session. My intention is to address any energetic blocks or imbalances that could hinder your intuitive development, promoting a harmonious and aligned energy flow.

Each session is entirely customized to you. Come prepared with your questions and share the obstacles you're currently facing on your intuitive journey. Together, we'll tap into the vast support of the universe and explore how it can guide and empower you on your path of development.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey of intuitive expansion? Book your Intuition Development session today and unlock the full potential of your intuitive gifts.

Intuition Sessions are $130 CAD and $170 CAD

I recommend having a Soul Reading and Healing session done before this session so we can spend more time on intuition development exercises and less time on healing blocks and cords.

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